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Trinity Presbyterian Church
2737 Bayview Avenue,
Toronto, Ontario




Events Calendar
Holy Days Calendar
Sabbath Times

Saturdays at 1:30PM.
Weekly Bible Study is on
Wednesdays at 8 PM via zoom

Toronto Sermons
YouTube Channel

Welcome Letter

Dear Friend,

The Toronto congregation of the Church of God, International would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our weekly Sabbath service. We are very pleased to have you with us and encourage you to visit us again, or better yet, make this congregation your church home.

Obviously, your attendance illustrates that the “Truth” of God and His Word is an important consideration in your life; otherwise taking time to attend a church service on a Saturday (Sabbath)wouldn’t be of much interest.

Unfortunately, statistics prove, most people are not interested because they’re all caught up in making a living as opposed to learning how to live. Assuredly, God’s Word can bring a focus to our lives, which is beneficial to instruct us on “how to live better;” but only IF we allow the time for the effect it will bring. And therein lies the “key” to this benefit: “IF” we will take the time. However, if you do it, unquestionably, it will add value and help us to appreciate our lives, by changing our outlook and defining our purpose more clearly. It will give us direction in our personal and family life and help us to enjoy the things that matter with regard to those we really care about. And most importantly, it will give us hope in what is fast becoming apparent, a hopeless world.

So many today have no hope. They don’t understand what the solution is to mankind’s insurmountable problems. In today’s world we find ourselves surrounded by famines, hunger, disease, political unrest, corruption of all sorts, wars and rumors of war. Wherever you look, it seems an “issue of consequence” is facing humanity who has no cooperative or workable solution. Clearly, for some of us, it’s very disturbing when we think about the future of our children and our children’s children. When considering the global dangers we face in today’s “terrorist environment” and the continuing political and moral decay we contend with here in North America, there is a “real need” for us to have some semblance of logic,reason, and order in our lives.

God’s way of life, as portrayed in the example of Jesus Christ, will provide that balance and stability “IF” we will allow God to influence our minds and change our lives. Observing the Sabbath in fellowship with others of like faith is just a beginning in establishing the foundation for achieving the harmony we are searching for with our fellowmen and God.

Our hope is to help you understand much clearer “what and how” God is conducting His plan. And additionally, that it will guide you into a closer walk with God and our Savior, Jesus Christ; and that will begin to translate into a fuller, more enriched and abundant life for you and your loved ones. May God give you the patience to allow Him to continue guiding you into all Truth and Knowledge of Him and His way of life, because it will undoubtedly provide you with a “new vision” of your life’s purpose and destiny.

May we again welcome and encourage you to enjoy the fellowship here at the CGI Toronto congregation.


Horane Smith

Kenroy Allen

Bernard Wilson

Horane Smith

Kenroy Allen

Bernard Wilson

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Horane Smith

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Ken Allen

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Bernard Wilson

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