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Oakridge Presbyterian Church
970 Oxford Street West
London ON, N6H 1V4




Events Calendar
Holy Days Calendar
Sabbath Times

Saturdays at 1:30pm


Dear Friend,

We want to take this opportunity to welcome you to the CGI congregation here in London, Ontario.

CGI has had a congregation here from the mid-nineties and we are pleased to be able to continue, with the help of God, to provide a safe haven where you can come to worship The Eternal without having to travel great distances.

You will find here in London a group of warm and friendly members who go the extra mile to ensure your visit is worth your while and that you will want tocome again.

During these difficult times we live in it is essential that we continue to build our relationship with Jesus Christ and fellowship among like-minded brothers and sisters. The London congregation offers this opportunity to worship the Most High God and to serve one another in a spirit of love and unity.

We can expect that the serious challenges of today’s society will only get worse. In fact, the Holy Bible admonishes us to “redeem the time,” (Eph. 5: 15) in these evil days. It further states in 1 John 5:19 that “the whole world lies in wickedness.” My friend this is the time to draw closer to God and fulfill your calling to be in the first resurrection when He returns to establish his everlasting Kingdom.

We cannot over-emphasize the need for us to be fed the Word of God during a period in our history that points to cataclysmic events that are about to befall humanity. These events will affect every human being alive, including YOU. God’s people need to be relentless in their pursuits to worship Him in spirit and in truth. One way of doing this is to appear before Him during his “appointed times,” the Sabbath Days, both weekly and annual Sabbaths. You will not only be demonstrating to God you have taken your call seriously, but telling Him it’s time to walk in His ways as He so commanded.

It’s with all of this in mind that we invite you to visit with us, get to know more about CGI London, and be a part of the bride, the body of Christ, being prepared for the return of its groom – Jesus Christ.

Yours in Christ,
Bernard Wilson & Rick Duble

Eph 5:15

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,

1 John 5:19

We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.

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Bernard Wilson

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Rick Dubler


Bernard Wilson

Rick Dubler

Bernard Wilson

Rick Dubler


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