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Holiday Inn Express & Suites Ottawa East
500 Brisebois Crescent Drive,
Orleans, Ontario, K1E0A6




Events Calendar
Holy Days Calendar
Ottawa Sermons
Ottawa Vision
Sabbath Times

Saturdays at 1:00pm



Dear Friend,

Welcome to the Church of God International in Ottawa.

We are pleased to welcome you to this Ottawa Congregation Website. We are also thrilled to be able to provide a weekly meeting place for people of God to meet, worship and fellowship.

In an age of increasing secularity, the faithful members of the body of Christ meet on a weekly basis to worship together in the singing of hymns, the hearing of Biblically-based messages, follow-up discussions and edifying fellowship. It is our desire to fulfill the Church’s mandate from Jesus Christ to continue with the witness and message He initiated through His life, teachings, and sacrifice forevery person and for all nations.

As the “body” consists of individual members, it is our privilege to provide a weekly meeting place for those desiring to follow our Savior and repent, believe the good news and to announcethat the “Kingdom of God is at hand.”

If you have been looking for a safe haven to meet with people of like mind, we invite to you join us in the coming weeks to one of our regular meetings. These take place every Saturday at 1:00 p.m.

Should you desire personal contact with a pastor, please feel free to reach out to either of us at the contact information below. We will be more than happy to get in touch with you and answerany questions you may have.

We hope you enjoy your experience with us and look forward to seeing you again very soon.

May our Father in heaven bless you as you seek to follow His will.

Your servants in Christ,


Jim French

Murray Palmatier

Adrian Davis

Jim French

Murray Palmatier

Adrian Davis


Hover over images below to pause slideshow

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Feast of Trumpets 2020

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January Bowling Activity 2020

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Summer Sabbath Social 2019

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Summer Sabbath Service 2018

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Summer Service 2018

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