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Weekly Biblical Webcasts


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The LORD Our God Is One

In this episode guest Brian Smith will build on previous discussions about the names and titles of the Father and Jesus Christ, exploring how their shared names suggest a deeper unity. We previously examined the plural yet singular nature of Elohim and the relationship between YHWH and the Angel of YHWH, raising questions about their unity and distinctiveness. To resolve these issues, Brian will use the concept of marriage as an analogy to illustrate how two distinct beings, like the Father and Jesus, can be unified in essence and purpose, reflecting the oneness described in scripture.

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Repentance and Humility

Humility is a necessary step toward sincere repentance and spiritual transformation. Genuine repentance begins with a humble recognition of one's sinfulness and need for God's grace.

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Church of God Network and the Future

Guest Dan Russo explores the Church of God Network's ongoing initiatives and programs, offering insights into the organization's current endeavors and vision for the future. He provides an in-depth look at how these activities shape the church's mission and growth prospects.

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Proof We Are Living in the End Times

The Greek word "aiōn" is often translated as "age" and carries the connotation of a distinct period or era in biblical texts. In the teachings of Jesus, particularly in references to the "end of the age" (Matthew 13:39, 13:49), "aiōn" denotes a time frame that encompasses the current period of human history leading up to the final judgment and the establishment of God's Kingdom.

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Jeroboam's Sin

Jeroboam's sin refers to his decision to lead Israel into idolatry by setting up golden calves in Bethel and Dan, thus undermining the worship of God. He feared losing political control if his people went to Jerusalem for religious festivals, so he created these alternative worship sites to consolidate his power. This act was a grievous breach of the covenant and a significant factor in the eventual downfall of the northern kingdom of Israel.

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Do We Have an Immortal Soul?

Belief in having an immortal soul has been a part of religious beliefs for thousands of years. Surprisingly, the Bible not only doesn't mention this concept, but it actually teaches the opposite. The Bible teaches that man is mortal and immortality is a gift from God.

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How to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

How can you love your neighbor when they are hard to love? God tells us to love our neighbor as ourselves, but it seems difficult when people are antagonistic or hateful toward us.

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The Six Day War in Creationism (Part 2)

Guest Gene Nouhan continues a discussion of his book "The Six-Day War in Creationism: A New Critique of the Young Earth Reform Movement and Its Extremes," which examines biblical genres, the interpretation of days, anthropomorphism in the discussion of God, and the understanding of ancient literature. This book thoroughly evaluates the claims made by the Young Earth Reform Movement, revealing insights into its beginnings and extreme positions.

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Sanctification is the process by which a believer is transformed to be more like Christ by the work of the Holy Spirit. It involves an initial setting apart at conversion and continual growth in holiness throughout the believer's life. Ultimately, sanctification is about becoming holy as God is holy, fulfilling the purpose for which believers are called and redeemed.

Address One

Days Inn & Suites by Wyndham Lindsay
134 Angeline St S,Lindsay,
ON K9V 3L6

Address Two

Sir Sandford Fleming, Frost Campus, Main Boardroom
252200 Albert Street SouthLindsay,
Ontario K9V 5E6
Note: Free Parking on Saturdays




Events Calendar
Kawartha Lakes Sermons
Sabbath Times

Saturdays at 1:00pm

Eph 5:15

It further states in (1 John 5:19) that “the whole world lies in wickedness.” My friend this is the time to draw closer to God and fulfill your calling to be in the first resurrection when He returns to establish his everlasting Kingdom.

1 John 5:19

We cannot over-emphasize the need for us to be fed the Word of God during a period in our history that points to cataclysmic events that are about to befall humanity. These events will affect every human being alive, including YOU. God’s people need to be relentless in their pursuits to worship Him in spirit and in truth. One way of doing this is to appear before Him during his “appointed times,” the Sabbath Days, both weekly and annual Sabbaths. You will not only be demonstrating to God you have taken your call seriously, but telling Him it’s time to walk in His ways as He so commanded.It’s with all of this in mind that we invite you to visit with us, get to know more about CGI Kawartha lakes, and be a part of the bride, the body of Christ, being prepared for the return of its groom – Jesus Christ.

Yours in Christ...

Horane Smith
Jim French

Horane Smith

Jim French

Stephan & Sandee Willshaw


Horane Smith

Jim French

Local Hosts

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Stephan and Sandeee Willshaw

Kawartha Lakes Photo Gallery

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Here is… a social gathering of some of our KL Prism Pal ladies. We had a craft day whereby we painted these bottles with snow scenes and cardinals – and put little lights up inside. Those who were able to attend had a fabulous time and fun and fellowship as well as taking home a hand crafted creation.

Use arrows on the sides to scroll.

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Feast of Trumpets 2020

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January Bowling Activity 2020

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Summer Sabbath Social 2019

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Summer Sabbath Service 2018

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Summer Service 2018

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