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BLOG POSTS (700 × 441 px) (750 × 200 px) (750 × 400 px) (750 x 441 px) (750 x 440 px) (750 x 435 px) (750 x 425 px) (9).jpg__PID:2f25d9c0-72cd-4c21-886f-c8bef83dc2a8

Armour of God

The Church of God International's 30-min programs equip viewers with the Armor of God, promoting family well-being and Biblical strength against adversity.

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Line Upon Line

Free Bible Academy where people can signup to have a guided study of various books of the Bible -- covering every word of the book via 15 minute lessons & featuring analysis of how the content of the Bible is relevant to our world today

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Prove All Things

Every Tuesday, Church of God International's Mike & Jeff delve into either scripture or current events, offering profound insights and understanding

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Wednesday Bible Study

Every Tuesday, Church of God International's Mike & Jeff delve into either scripture or current events, offering profound insights and understanding



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Armor of God

Answers for Today

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Armor of God

Short-form Videos

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Armor of God

Web Chats

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Biblical News Updates

and Commentary

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Current Armor of God

Messages from selected speakers


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