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Keeping Watch is a podcast from the Church of God Canada, offering spiritual insights and practical guidance for living a faith-centered life.

Hosted by clergy and community leaders, the podcast explores topics relevant to the Church's mission, including faith, family, and community service. Through thoughtful discussions and biblical teachings, "Keeping Watch" aims to inspire listeners to deepen their relationship with God and apply Christian principles in their daily lives.

Whether addressing current events or timeless spiritual truths, the podcast serves as a resource for spiritual growth and encouragement within the Church of God community in Canada.



Episode 100
Impact On The Future

As we look back on our first 100 episodes, the concept of Marxist Globalism has been a central theme of Keeping Watch. This week, the UN overwhelmingly passed its Pact For The Future. Join us as we take a look at this ominous new agreement that will most certainly impact our future.

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Episode 99
Peaking Behind The Curtain

This week, famed rapper P. Diddy became the focus of extremely disturbing allegations regarding parties he hosted for the Hollywood elite. Join us as we take a peak behind the curtain and discuss the wide-ranging ramifications of the abominations that plague our entertainment, political and sporting heroes.


Episode 98
Media Malpractice

During the week that America remembered the shock of 911, ABC News hosted a debate between the candidates, one of which will become America’s next commander-in-chief. Join us this week as we discuss the media’s irresponsible bias, and failure to serve the American electorate.


Episode 97
Are We Tired of the Left?

This week, Jagmeet Singh, the leader of the NDP party, ripped up the Supply and Confidence Agreement that he had with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau making the Prime Minister’s liberal government vulnerable. Overseas, the AFD party for Germany scored a stunning victory in an Eastern German state election demonstrating a growing discontent with the leftist national government.


Episode 96
Freedom Of The Press?

This week saw the arrest in France of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov on charges relating to lack of content moderation. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg also admitted that his company buried significant news events during the 2020 election cycle at the request of the Biden campaign. Join us as we discuss whether the press really is free.

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Episode 95
A Glimpse Into The Future

This week, the Democratic Party gathered to formally nominate Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to lead their party into the November general election. What insights were gained from the speeches in Chicago and the party platform that was released? Join us as we take a look at what could await us in a Harris administration.

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Episode 94
The Calm Before The Storm

After many weeks of trying to stay on top of the busy world news scene, this week was unusually quiet. Join us as we recap the week and take a look ahead at what promises to be a very busy election season, just in time for the fall festivals.

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Episode 93
From Union Jack to Jackboot

As civil unrest intensifies in the United Kingdom, leaders are embattled in a war of words over who is to blame rather than resolving the issues. Is a civil war inevitable? Join us as we discuss the latest in the riots taking place in England.

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Episode 92
Descent into Anarchy

With the world watching the election process unfold in Washington, we are keeping watch on other areas of the world, too. Join us as we discuss events from this week in France, the United Kingdom and Canada. How should disciples of Christ process this continuing descent into anarchy and lawlessness.

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Episode 91
The Passing of the Torch

Washington DC is once again the centre of attention this week following President Biden stepping down from the 2024 campaign and endorsing VP Kamala Harris. We also witnessed pro-Hamas protests in conjunction with the invitation to Israeli PM Netanyahu to speak to Congress and Secret Service hearings following the assassination attempt of President Trump. Join us as we wade through and try to make sense of all that happened this week.

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Episode 90
The Shot Heard ‘Round The World

As the Sabbath was drawing to a close last week, a would-be assassin nearly took the life of Donald Trump, a candidate for the presidency of the United States. Join us as we discuss the potential fallout from this event that took the life of one onlooker, as we keep watch for the Body of Christ.

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Episode 89
Eyes on Washington

This week, leaders from the 32 member nations of NATO converged on Washington DC for their annual meeting. Amid continuing controversy surrounding the candidates for the US presidential election, Washington DC took center stage again this week. Join us as we discuss the events of this past week.

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Episode 88 - Changing Gears on the Global Election Cycle

Elections are not only front and center in the United States. This week saw a changing of the guard in the United Kingdom while France is in the midst of a very divisive election. Join us as we discuss the impact of these two elections as well as the recently celebrated Independence Day in the US, which is becoming increasingly polarized.

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Episode 87
Freedom Of The Press?

Events from this past week include a debate watched round the world, the release from prison of Julian Assange and an increasing number of heinous sexual crimes committed against innocent young women and girls. Join us as we discuss the culpability of the mainstream media and consider whether there really is a freedom of the press anymore.

Address One

Days Inn & Suites by Wyndham Lindsay
134 Angeline St S,Lindsay,
ON K9V 3L6

Address Two

Sir Sandford Fleming, Frost Campus, Main Boardroom
252200 Albert Street SouthLindsay,
Ontario K9V 5E6
Note: Free Parking on Saturdays




Events Calendar
Kawartha Lakes Sermons
Sabbath Times

Saturdays at 1:00pm

Eph 5:15

It further states in (1 John 5:19) that “the whole world lies in wickedness.” My friend this is the time to draw closer to God and fulfill your calling to be in the first resurrection when He returns to establish his everlasting Kingdom.

1 John 5:19

We cannot over-emphasize the need for us to be fed the Word of God during a period in our history that points to cataclysmic events that are about to befall humanity. These events will affect every human being alive, including YOU. God’s people need to be relentless in their pursuits to worship Him in spirit and in truth. One way of doing this is to appear before Him during his “appointed times,” the Sabbath Days, both weekly and annual Sabbaths. You will not only be demonstrating to God you have taken your call seriously, but telling Him it’s time to walk in His ways as He so commanded.It’s with all of this in mind that we invite you to visit with us, get to know more about CGI Kawartha lakes, and be a part of the bride, the body of Christ, being prepared for the return of its groom – Jesus Christ.

Yours in Christ...

Horane Smith
Jim French

Horane Smith

Jim French

Stephan & Sandee Willshaw


Horane Smith

Jim French

Local Hosts

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Stephan and Sandeee Willshaw

Kawartha Lakes Photo Gallery

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Here is… a social gathering of some of our KL Prism Pal ladies. We had a craft day whereby we painted these bottles with snow scenes and cardinals – and put little lights up inside. Those who were able to attend had a fabulous time and fun and fellowship as well as taking home a hand crafted creation.

Use arrows on the sides to scroll.

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Feast of Trumpets 2020

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January Bowling Activity 2020

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Summer Sabbath Social 2019

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Summer Sabbath Service 2018

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Summer Service 2018

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