How to Respond to woke?

How to Respond to woke?

In 1969, I was 9 years old, and we lived in a world where most people did not know much about computers … so when Kurt Russell (in a Disney movie) grabbed the wrong computer wire (& got zapped with an electric shock),  it was an “interesting” plot point that this would turn him into a genius!

We have come a “long way” since then … with most people today having many computers in our lives … from our watches, phones & tablets … to our cars, TVs & Personal computers too!

One popular “rage” that is being reported in the news lately, is the Internet App called “ChatGPT” which is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) website that will accept questions on almost any subject … and respond with a “good quality” essay or poem.  One problem is that students are using this free website to answer their schoolwork questions — without the student doing any “work” or “research” themselves!

For this blog post, I thought I would put ChatGPT to a “difficult test” that many Christians face (because our Christian values are often attacked by society).  So… here is my question & the answer I received … (and I’ll make a few comments at the end).


How do we best support viewpoints that may be unpopular?

Supporting unpopular viewpoints can be challenging, as it often involves defending ideas that are widely criticized or rejected. However, here are a few tips that may help:

  1. Research and educate yourself: Ensure that you have a deep understanding of the issues at hand and are well-informed on the arguments and evidence that support your position.
  2. Respect others’ opinions: When discussing unpopular viewpoints, it’s important to approach the conversation with respect for others’ opinions, even if you disagree with them. Avoid using ad hominem attacks or making assumptions about others’ beliefs.
  3. Focus on facts and evidence: Try to ground your arguments in credible evidence & avoid relying on personal anecdotes or emotional appeals. Be prepared to respond to counterarguments & objections with facts & evidence.
  4. Listen actively: Make an effort to listen to others’ perspectives & understand their concerns. Try to see things from their point of view, & be open to changing your position if new evidence or arguments are presented.
  5. Communicate clearly and concisely: Be clear and concise in your communication, and avoid using overly technical or complex language. Try to present your arguments in a way that is accessible and understandable to a wider audience.
  6. Seek out supportive communities: Find communities or individuals who share your viewpoint and who can provide support and encouragement. Being part of a supportive network can help you stay motivated and engage in productive dialogue with others.
  7. Remain respectful and open-minded: Even when you are defending an unpopular viewpoint, it’s important to remain respectful & open-minded. Seek to have a productive & respectful dialogue with others, &be willing to engage with those who may have different opinions.


Well … I must admit I was impressed by the response — we might call the answer “common sense” but it is sometimes hard to assemble this many relevant points together!

One (missing) point that was powerfully expressed this past week, in the latest edition of the Keeping Watch Podcast (Episode 25 on Wokism) … is the simple observation & prophecy:

Isa 59:14  … Truth is fallen in the street…

We worship the God of Truth

          John 14:6  Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the Truth, and the life.

To put this into practice … to answer the question in the title of this piece “How to Respond?” (to “woke”)

As disciples of Christ … we NEED to respond with the Truth.

When a “hairy man” claims to be a woman … we can simply state that the Bible has taught us to say the Truth – “you’re a man”.

At some point, like the children’s story of the Emperors’ New Clothes … Common sense might overcome the peer pressure (on us & those around us) to speak lies — & the promoters of woke will look ridiculous – for claiming the ridiculous!

The Podcast powerfully establishes…

Truth itself must be debased in order to further the cause of wokeness.


It is imperative for us to stand up for the Truth whenever a lie is being promoted!

To see this podcast … Click here

To view a Transcript … Click here

To view Talking Points – equipping us to deal with “Woke” … Click here

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