Earth's Rightful Ruler

Earth's Rightful Ruler

The universe, and planet Earth in particular, needs its rightful ruler. Governments continue to fail in governing their people. The resultant effect will always be problems in controlling crime and violence, attaining peace, eradicating deadly diseases and pestilences, natural disasters, drug abuse, corruption in high places, suicide, famine, homelessness, and the list goes on.

At this time of the year, a tiny minority of Christians celebrate the fall festival season when God’s appointed times, the moedin of Gen. 1:14 and Lev. 23, or Holy Days, give us hope that Earth’s Rightful Ruler, Jesus Christ will soon return to establish His everlasting kingdom. That will be the only solution to humanity’s problems, the very problems human governments have been trying to come to grips with from the beginning of creation.

God’s seven annual Sabbaths or Holy Days are His appointed Times. They are not Jewish, as mainstream Christianity sees them.  To the world, it’s a Jewish celebration, but to the God of the Bible, YAHWEH and His son Jesus Christ, these are “my feasts,” meaning all seven annual Sabbaths found in Lev. 23. He also calls them “the feasts of the LORD,” not Israel or Judah.

You can ask any member of mainstream Christianity and they will readily tell you, as they hear it from their pastors, that these are Jewish feast days. How sad? Certainly, there are mentions in the synoptic gospels of them being Jewish. But then, only the Jews were keeping them at that time to this day. They owned them, so to speak, hence the attachment.

The Feast of Trumpets begins God’s fall Holy Day season – Feast of Trumpets, picturing the Second Coming of Jesus Christ; the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) reminds us of Christ’s atoning sacrifice for humanity, and The Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day, which points towards the Kingdom of God being established on Earth.

How could mainstream Christianity ignore such meaningful days? “Even these are my feasts,” says the LORD. They have thrown out these sacred days of God and embrace pagan-rooted days such as Easter and Christmas, and don’t be surprised if they call you cultists for embracing God’s Holy days. How can you ignore, as a Christian, that the primitive church was Hebraic in its belief system, its Founder Jesus Christ was a Jew, and He proclaims boldly “Salvation is of the Jews.” The primitive church observed these feast days, not Easter or Christmas, which came in the second century AD in the case of the former, and fourth century AD, in the case of the latter.

The Feast of Tabernacles pictures Earth’s Rightful Ruler coming to occupy the spiritual throne of David.  It will be an everlasting kingdom. Most Christians see themselves as going to heaven, and it’s no surprise they have this non-biblical belief. The Bible does not promise heaven; that’s where God dwells. Rather, Rev. 21-22 shows God the Father and Jesus coming down to the new heavens and the new Earth. No one is going to heaven. Jesus Christ is coming to Earth as its Rightful Ruler.

The fact is Jesus Christ was the one who established these Holy Days (Gen. 1:14; Hebrew moeds translated season in most Bible but should be rendered “appointed times” for festivals.) Jesus observed them while He was on Earth, His disciples and apostles kept them throughout the apostolic age. They didn’t keep Christmas or Easter. Furthermore, the Word of God tells us ALL nations will be required to keep these festivals when Jesus Christ returns (read Zechariah 14). Here’s a logical question: if we are going to keep them in the future, why are we not keeping them now instead of the pagan-rooted days? Which one is more meaningful and sanctified by the Word of God?

Once God sanctifies something as holy, human beings have no authority to change it, as only a Holy God can decide what is profane from what is holy.  The scriptures have no support for Christmas and Easter, but God’s festivals are all over the Bible. Read the book of Acts, for example, to see that the primitive church kept God’s seventh-day Sabbath and annual Sabbaths or Holy Days. The scriptures mainstream Christianity use to justify Sunday worship, Easter, cannot stand up the scriptural scrutiny. It’s all about tradition, the influence of paganism and anti-Jewish sentiments that shaped Christian thought in the early church.

Indeed, the King is Coming! The Feast of Trumpets and the Feast of Tabernacles warn us about that. I Cor. 15 and I Thess. 4 tell us the last trumpet will be blown before the return of Christ. In Revelation, seven trumpets will be blown and the last one will signal the return of Christ. How clear is it to all of us who observe God’s festivals to see the link with the festivals and the plan of God for humanity. It could not be more clearer how the Feast of Trumpets is relevant for Christians today. This festival is so important to our only hope which is the return of Jesus Christ. How could mainstream Christianity have missed this? To learn more about God’s festivals, download FREE our booklets COME TO THE FEASTGOD’S SEASONAL PLAN; and THE FALL FESTIVALS

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